I took an all levels Flow class from 10:15-11:45 this morning. There were about 8 people this time and once again we sat across from each other. Really weird. I don't know why it seems so strange but it is to me. It was Rose who taught and she knew every one of her students by name. The flow was quicker today and with all the brush fires so close it was definitely hot and dry in the room so when I started to sweat I was grateful for the moisture.
Today was the first day that I was able to fully go face to floor in the Upavistha Konasana or Seated Angle pose. I think my boobs got in the way a bit but still I was successful and it felt incredible. I think the trick is to hinge at the hips and not use your back so much. The weather is crazy hot here and it's affecting my energy levels for sure. I'm glad that I did a morning class because I don't think I would have it in me to do it in the afternoon.
I am almost at my one month mark. When I get there I will start implementing some new add ons to my program but for now it's a nice cold shower and massage... :-)
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