Yeay for me. I took a Flow 1/2 class. On purpose. It was with the instructor who I had meditation with and I wanted to see how his class would be since I enjoyed him so much yesterday. It was definitely and advanced class. Many poses I hadn't seen before and there were no assistant to align folks in the class. This was clearly a class of true yogis.
There were some poses such as the Parivrttta Janu
Sirasana or Revolved knee to head pose that were all but impossible to execute. I didn't care. I just took my leg out to the side with my hand and was happy to be able to do that. Some day I'll put my hand behind my head and grab my foot. I think my husband will be especially pleased when this new ability appears :-)
The teacher was incredibly supportive of people and spent a lot of time walking around making sure people were following and demonstrating throughout the whole room so everyone got a view and there was no real "front of the class."
Yesterday was the first real day with NO posing, just meditation and I could definitely feels some stiffness from not stretching. Could it be that I'm actually beginning to like this torture? If it makes my body work better, my mind more relaxed and thoughts clearer then hells to the yea!
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