Holy crap. I am going to try my best to not miss a class so I don't have to dbl up! The first class was with the earth mama and it was awesome! I'm still shocked at how relaxed she is being a new mom and all. It was a very small class and she really took the time to explain the poses and challenge us with our breaths. I absolutely loved the music she had and everything went pretty smoothly. I tried to imagine myself a dancer making every pose a fluid movement. We concentrated on the breath doing these really cool exercises Pranayama or Yoga breathing where you do alternate breathing through alternate nostrils. Really awesome.
We also did some core work which I am absolutely weak at. Stomach problems for sure. I find that after these classes my stomach actually sticks out further than before I did the ab work. Curious.
The second class was brutal! The instructor was new to me and was by far the most energetic of any instructor I've had yet. The music was quick, the vinyasas (flow of poses) were fast and she did crazy hand stands between every move! I almost just wanted to watch her. It was very acrobatic looking. I have to be honest with you. I didn't make it through the whole class. I left 3/4 way through. I couldn't contain myself. My elbows were creaky, my lower back angry and my second bandana soaked. I was fighting myself the whole way and then I gave up. Some might say I gave in and "listened to my body." I am hard on myself I know but I hate feeling like a quitter (well I'm glad I quit cigarettes) and sat in the lobby for a bit. The receptionist said she wasn't surprised to see me because "no one takes two in a row." I told her I had seen some women taking two classes but they both looked pretty Ana to me. Perhaps I was projecting my own body issues onto those ultra thin, wiry women.
Tomorrow is another day and I do know one thing for sure... doing one class will seem like cake compared to what I did today!
Note to self: So you left a bit early. Ease up cowgirl. You're doing pretty good so far and do the best you can.
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