Harrumph. Tonight was to be the first night of my Yoga practice in Calif while I'm here. It didn't happen. It was a 7:45-9pm restorative practice and I was really looking forward to it especially after my horrific night at the airport last night, a 7 am-9am battle with the rental car company and a trip to the dentist for a teeth cleaning and 3 crown preps (totaling 3 hours and about 10 shots of novocaine.) I didn't fall asleep my dears nor did I forget.
I showed up and was told by a woman who was there with two other women from the previous class "Oh didn't you know the class was on hiatus till next Thursday." I looked online that morning and called the studio at 6:30 and both places the class was listed. I left with the friend that I brought and begrudgingly came home to find two classes that I will take tomorrow. At another studio.
I really fought myself these past 24 hrs. So much disappointment has occurred in this short time and I battle with "making lemons out of lemonade." Lemons are bitter. To make lemonade you add sugar. LOTS of sugar. What is the sugar in our psyches? Positive thoughts? Blind eyes? Ignorance? For some reason letting go of these disappointments is really difficult.
I do not want to be negative
I want to make good choices in my reactions and as my great granny used to say "They can't get your goat if they don't know where you tie it."
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