It really seems like the weeks are going faster and faster as each one passes. Today was my 21st class. I'm shocked. Honestly. I identified as a beginner in the start of class and the instructor (I'll call her Annie because she looks like Kournakova:-) said "I've seen you in my classes before so you know what to expect." 90 minutes went right by and Anna helped me into a few poses. Her awesome sing songy voice when she calls poses or her request for you to "Shake your head yesssssss and then nooooooo" always makes me smile. I only have one complaint. Her music. It is always the same. Every class. I wonder if being a musician makes me more sensitive to the repetition? Dunno. I really want to make her some mixed c.d's though...
I have to admit I like the classes with less students a bit better. This class was totally full and for the first time I experienced what I thought was only folklore. The class SBD. Yes The Silent but Deadly fart. OMG!!! I don't know if it's because this person is a staunch vegan and ate some crazy cabbage or what but when Anna said "inhale deeeeeeeep" there was no way in hell I could. I honestly think it was a tiny girl in front of me but she had a big smell. I know we're not supposed to acknowledge these things because it's respectful but it was nasty. Na-sty! A room with 35 people, no air and that stench it was almost unbearable. It happened twice at different times.
I leave for California tomorrow after Meditation class and will write something when I land. I have my classes planed already but will remain open to a new and spontaneous practice as well.
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