Happy Anniversary! I just completed my 30th class in 30 days. Today I did two classes and the first was Hatha from 8:30-10:00 am. As usual the instructor was Rosie (it turns out she does have student teachers but I hadn't had the chance to take class from them during my visit here). She is so awesome. The class was full and once again it was an older crowd (me included) and all women. There was a great energy in the room and Rosie picked up on it and commented about it at the end of class. I love how supportive everyone here is of each other even if they're strangers. I don't see that so much in New York.
The second class Restorative from 7:45-9:00 pm was at another studio I'd looked into in the town of San Pedro. It was also the class that I showed up for last week that said it was on hiatus until this week (although still listed online.) I brought, or should I say draagggeed my friend with me since there was a 2 person minimum for the class and I didn't want to miss it. We would be the only ones as it turned out. There was a total of 12 classes a week offered and the woman who ran the studio taught them all. I have to be totally honest, I was a bit put off by her or should I say I felt she was a bit put off by me and my friend. She seemed very cautious of us like maybe we thought it was a joke or something. I can't quite put my finger on it...
I must also admit that I judged her for being overweight. She was a bit bigger than me and my negative brain went to "how can she teach me? Look at her! With 12 classes a week she should be in great shape!" Something in me did not want to enjoy the class. Like I would be allowing myself to be comfortable with another fat person teaching me something. Ridiculous. I'm fat and I'm a fatist. It's because I see myself in those who struggle and I don't like what I see. "Oh thank God I'm not as fat as her!" I say to myself. Shame on me. Wait a second... If I recognize my inappropriate behavior and want to make it better should I still feel that shame or just let it go? See.. sketchy brain...
Anyway... the class consisted of 5 poses each held about 12 minutes and resting in between. Her voice was made to give soothing messages. Seriously, it was almost as if she was playing a character it was soooooo mellow and calming. The final result was that I felt much more relaxed than when I arrived. I thanked her for class and may take another class when I come back next month to celebrate my Grandma's 80'th bday just to see if my experience is any different.
Tomorrow is my last class here in Calif but my first class of my second month in my three month project!
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