Today was a noon meditation day at the D.C.C. Tara was leading everyone and unlike the other two women who'd taught she didn't put a candle in the center of the room. I'd always thought it was just for a sense of light so no one would freak out if they nodded off and woke up wrapped in a blanket in some basement room. It's actually for concentration. There is a certain type of candle meditation practice called Tratak. It is said that it's extremely beneficial to reenergizing the mind.
There were about 10 people today 4 men the rest women and of every walk of life. I had a hard time today even though no one was talking like the last time... I found myself having these incredibly violent thoughts. In and out they flowed. One minute.. one of the people meditating in the room was going to open fire and kill everyone just to make a point that even folks meditating for peace and calm are screwed. The next minute? Inhale "Soooooo" exhale "Huuuuuuum." It was really weird.
Somebody farted. Twice. I doubt any yogi would acknowledge those things because it would seem rude but I know they think it. That brought me to thinking about just letting go and that some dude could just jerk of under his blanket with his eyes open, watching all the women in the room with their eyes closed and mouths parted. Inhale "Sooooooo" exhale "Huuuuuuuum"Sex and violence and meditation? Damn, my subconscious is riddled with dirtiness eh? I couldn't help but think that I was absorbing some of the peoples fears and thoughts as well. I wondered if there were any yoga programs for prison. Turns out, Yes... that's awesome.
I liked the pic above of what looks like some kind of county uniform and thought the irony of the orange jumpsuits with what orange represents with the shakras. Maybe if more people knew about thee color affectations they might change their minds. And color choices... http://www.gemstonegifts.com/Colors/orange.htm
It is an extremely different experience than at Sonic. All the folks there are serious yogis and at the D.C.C it's housewives and businessmen. Which is awesome don't get me wrong! However, it makes it hard to concentrate when energies are flying and not honed in on one purpose.
Geez that sounded like I'm gonna go vegan, stop shaving and eat wheat germ...
You make me laugh thanks!