Today was one of the first days I've had to spend with my husband all day so I asked him if he would take class with me and he said yes. We were going to go to Sonic and take class but I had the idea to try something new. We went to http://www.yogadownload.com and downloaded two Hatha classes. It was pretty cool!
There were no visuals (we chose that option) and the voice guided us through two different levels of class. It was a bit harder to concentrate since I was in my home but I closed my eyes every chance I had which helped fix that problem. My husband is pretty awesome at being serious when he wants to be and knows how easy it is for me to laugh so he was particularly great in this situation too.
In class you usually see a demonstration of the poses that the instructor shares so it was really weird to just hear directions instead for one of my favorite hip opening poses: Salamba Kapotasana or Supported Pigeon Pose. I thought the pace was perhaps a tad on the slow side but over all it was a good class. I think that this could be a God send for traveling somewhere you might not be able to take class. It's also encouraging since it's just you and the computer :-) I love spending time with my husband being physical and this was really great. I'm off to have a glorious evening with him now... Namaste...
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