5:45-7:00 pm Center Class. It was Earth Mama (Emme) tonight and I saw the Earth Daddy (Ed) who brought the Earth Baby (Eby). Tonight was also live musician night. He was the same drummer as before. (although I thought I'd heard a guitarist was going to be there...) I've seen him taking class many times and he is very devoted.
I'll start with the live percussion aspect. It can make it easier to get into the super focus of trying new poses because the beats lift you. However, this can also make you feel that your personal energy is being dictated by the pulses and silences of the music. I gotta say some people might find it a little "hoodoo-guru." You know, all chanty and dippy and way too dorky, but if you really let yourself go and allow yourself a silly freedom it's on like donkey kong. One thing I absolutely hate about the percussion.. at the end of the meditation when we have our eyes closed he hits this loud ass bell/gong and I swear I said "fuck!" today when it happen. It really scared the shit out of me. It's waaay to jarring.
There was a woman who hadn't done yoga before next to me and she got very exasperated very quickly. I could hear her say stuff like "what did she say?", "why did I wear this?","I can't do that!" etc... Emme tried to help her but her own mind got in the way and she left after about 15 minutes of the class. We were doing Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose and she was having a hard time of it and felt embarrassed I think. I hope she comes back. I've been there. I was actually rocking pretty hard in class today I must say myself! I held these poses and was even able to look up at my hand... it looks easy but try it sometime!
The baby thing. I'll be truthful. When I saw her there I got nervous at first but let it go because I figured Ed and Eby were just there to say bye to Emme. Turns out Eby was staying. I have absolutely no problem with her being outside class (and applaud the fact that Sonic offers some sitting for parents who want to practice) but I don't feel good with her inside. I can't focus. I think of all my baby issues and it makes it hard. Especially when I hear her but she is adorable and obviously a blessing for Emme and Ed and how can I ignore that?
I love the class a lot but have to say tonight's experience was not too good.
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