These blocks are provided by the studio and help people get into deeper stretches and poses. They are also fantastic for alignment since they offer a bit more balance.
I find that sometimes I put to much stress on my legs and knees in Extended Triangle Pose or Utthita Trikonasana and the block relieves a lot of that problem. It's also really good sitting on during meditation because it straightens your spine, opens your hips and relaxes the sits bones.
Emme was teaching today. She has such an awesome smile. She is very laid back in her own person and it pours over into her teaching. I like that she asks questions during class. A lot of the time it feels as if the questions are not to be answered but pondered. Even the beginning of class has a usual "So, how is everyone doing today?" and maybe 3 people out of 25 will say something. However, everyone always gets down with the Ohmmm. Go figure.
My husband is feeling better but I stayed by his side as much as I could and only left for class and to get more supplies; Puffs Plus, OJ, soup and green tea Mohci. I think we'll download some movies, snuggle up and maybe I'll even give him a massage to work out some of that stuff. I think perhaps I avoided getting what he has partly because of my new yoga regimen. It focuses me, releases more energy therefore helping me sleep better which in turns keeps me healthy. Whew!
I think I might get some of those blocks for home use. They feel uh. may. zing when you lay one between your shoulder blades and lie back on it... *drool*
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