I am now doing two entries at a time. My love of rushing home to enter my class experience is waning... I took my favorite class last night at Sonic; Center the instructor was one I hadn't had yet and she was awesome. I hated the fact that the class was 15 minutes behind schedule and found myself very antsy. I tried my best to remain mellow but it was hard. I didn't want to be in class until 9:30! Of course I stayed and took the whole class and was glad I did.
Today I went to do meditation at the Deepak Chopra center. Today was the smallest class I'd ever been in by far. There were only 6 people. Someone was snoring the whole time which made it difficult for me to concentrate. I have found my mind wandering to very violent thoughts when I take meditation class there. I can't figure it out. What does that mean????
I'm rounding out the final part of my yogic project and can't help but wonder what my practice will be like after the project is over...
Stay positive!!